You'll either love it or hate it. It is a polarising wine, which is surprising, given that it costs around $70 a bottle. For that price you'd think you'd be buying something great.
Well many do, but many don't. Spend 5 minutes on the Cellar Tracker reviews of this wine and you'll find plenty of fans and plenty of haters.
"The ladies like it."
"A hot sweet mess."
"Easy drinking and pleasant on the taste."
"Another overblown fruit bomb that was again too sweet, too rich, too cloying."
Personally I'm with the last reviewer - I did not like it one bit. One glass of it left be wanting to rinse my mouth out with cold water and go brush my teeth. It is so sweet that you could mistake it for dessert wine, so dark in color you could mistake it for Welch's grape juice. Just not good, with or without food.
It's just under 15% alcohol as well so a couple of glasses of this prune juice will send your alcohol unit count skyrocketing.
I've tried plenty of Cabernet Sauvignon big Napa wines and this was the most disappointing yet. What a total waste money.
OK maybe I was a little harsh. I put this bottle of Caymus in the fridge overnight and tried it on day 2 and it had mellowed out. A lot of the heat and sweetness I'd objected to had disappeared and it was much more drinkable. I squeezed out a last glass on day 3 and it was even better. I still wouldn't buy it again though.